Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression


Well, to the delight of most Americans, pro football takes center stage tonight. But isn’t it Wednesday? Apparently, Obama is not afraid of sending the children of other’s to die in war all over the planet, but he is deathly… Continue Reading…


This time, very cowardly cretins in blue from the Los Angeles Police Department, slammed to the ground two times a 34 year old,  5’4″ mother and nurse named Michelle Jordan. She was suspected of the heinous crime of talking on… Continue Reading…


A civilian reported that smoke was billowing from the 88th floor of the new 1 World Trade Center building recently. Over 100 New York fire fighters responded to the call. That report was later said to be false, as any… Continue Reading…


The U.S. Navy fired on what was called a small white pleasure craft, killing one, in the Persian Gulf. The man killed according to UAE’s official news agency, was an Indian fisherman. While the Navy spokesman said that it is… Continue Reading…


I should apologize for my recent absence. I took a week off, and have been fly fishing in Idaho. I had an absolute ball fishing and visiting with old friends. I did not watch news or write at all during… Continue Reading…

