Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

ConspiracyCover UpEconomicsFalse FlagFederal ReserveFraudGovernmentMartial LawPolice StateTyranny

By: Gary D. Barnett “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has… Continue Reading…

"Healthcare"ConspiracyEconomyFalse FlagGovernmentMartial LawPolice StatePoliticsTyrannyVaccination

By: Gary D. Barnett The United States government has initiated martial law. All citizens are to conform to government mandates. U.S. security forces will enforce these mandates locally with all city, county, and state police forces, and in all other… Continue Reading…

ConspiracyEconomicsMartial LawPolice StateSurveillanceTechnocracy

By: Gary D. Barnett China has become a modern technocratic surveillance society, and is now leading the way in mass control over an entire population. The new coronavirus scare has exposed just how dangerous this is, but China is just… Continue Reading…

CourtsDepartment of JusticePolice StateTSA

By: Gary D. Barnett News today revealed that this tyrannical government had seized in September $181,500 from a Florida trucking company employee on his way to buy trucks in Cleveland for cash. Cash is that commodity that is supposed to be… Continue Reading…

Blast From the PastGovernmentPolice StateThe Patriot Act

By: Gary D. Barnett December 5, 2011 I wrote this month’s “Blast from the past” article December 5th, 2011. It is relevant today as these laws are still in place, and the people are still sheep. This government is still… Continue Reading…

