Police brutality and deadly police violence have exploded in this now police state of America. It is getting worse every day, and the excuses used by the state to affect total control over the individual are becoming more and more… Continue Reading…
Courts • Police Brutality • Police State • Terrorism • Torture • Tyranny
January 14, 2014
This is the result when an innocent citizen happens to be in the way or targeted by police in state issued costumes. This was Kelly Thomas shortly before he died due to a gang beating and killing by Orange County,… Continue Reading…
Martial Law • Military • Police State • Tyranny
January 7, 2014
Yet another $700,000 armored tank has been delivered for use by domestic police, this time to Fort Pierce, Florida. This is as always the result of militarization of all local and state police due to the horrendous National Defense Authorization… Continue Reading…
Police Brutality • Police State
January 6, 2014
The incidents of murder by police just keeps growing at an alarming pace. While I expect this murderous behavior, and have warned about it time and time again, it is forever troubling and shocking. This time, the brutal killing of… Continue Reading…
Fascism • Military • Police Brutality • Police State • Privacy • Tyranny
January 5, 2014
The very last thing that government wants to tolerate is any freedom minded individual who is independent and self sufficient. The government considers those rugged individualists as a dire threat to its power. Since freedom and liberty depend fully on an attitude of… Continue Reading…