Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

CourtsCover UpPolice BrutalityPolice StateTyranny

On February 14th, just four days ago, police scum in Moore, Oklahoma beat to death an unarmed father outside a movie theatre. His name was Luis Rodriguez. In addition, they stole the recorded evidence, a complete video of the crime, from… Continue Reading…

Police BrutalityPolice StateTyranny

Actually, this situation is worse than the title indicates. See this story in the Daily News. Krystle Silvera, a nursing student in New York, and her son Courtney were in their home with Krystle’s ill mother when the police arrived. Police… Continue Reading…

Martial LawPolice BrutalityPolice StateTerrorismTyranny

When police serve a warrant, if they have a warrant, most are acquired using unscrupulous means or are completely unnecessary. But that is not the half of it, as the manner in which they are served these days is more… Continue Reading…

Police BrutalityPolice State

A victim of a hit a run accident who was severely injured is suing the Blue Island Police Department near Chicago because a Blue Island cop tasered him. Not even a victim of a crime is safe from the trigger… Continue Reading…

MilitaryPolice BrutalityPolice StateTyranny

This incident should not be used as an example of bad apples, but as a poster for the normal everyday brutal treatment meted out by those cretins in state costumes on the helpless serfs that they attempt to control. In this… Continue Reading…

