With all the political hype about the “Wall,” most have forgotten their history. They continue to be on one side or the other of this issue, a planned and structured political game to be sure, but ignore the obvious danger… Continue Reading…
Conspiracy • Courts • Department of Justice • Police State • Torture
November 16, 2018
The plight of Julian Assange continues to worsen. Some believe that he will have his day in court, but the odds of fair and impartial treatment for Assange are in my opinion zero. In a story on Drudge this morning,… Continue Reading…
Martial Law • Military • Police State
March 27, 2015
I left this morning on my way to my office and encountered several military vehicles on the roadway. These were armored Humvees with active machine guns mounted in the turrets on top of the vehicles. Once I made my way… Continue Reading…
Conspiracy • False Flag • Mainstream Media • Martial Law • Police State
October 8, 2014
I must admit that my first thought about every catastrophe, with the exception of natural disasters, is that the government is either responsible entirely, or complicit in such a manner that these catastrophes could not have occurred without the hand… Continue Reading…
Drug War • Martial Law • Military • Police State • Tyranny
August 21, 2014
The beginning of the militarization of America’s police forces began in 1967 with the introduction of a “Special Weapons and Tactics” (SWAT) team in Los Angeles created by Inspector Daryl Gates. Some argue that the first SWAT team was in… Continue Reading…