Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

CultureDiscussion of issuesGovernmentPhilosophyReligion

By: Gary D. Barnett “Blind pupils. — As long as a man knows very well the strength and weaknesses of his teaching, his art, his religion, its power is still slight. The pupil and apostle who, blinded by the authority… Continue Reading…

AnarchyCollectivismCultureGovernmentMilitaryPhilosophyPoliticsThe StateTotalitarianismVotingWar

By: Gary D. Barnett Note: I am publishing this article for free to all subscribers. In order to get all my articles in full, please consider becoming a paid subscriber to my Substack site, where you can get all archives,… Continue Reading…

'Law'AnarchyFreedomGovernmentPhilosophySelf DefenseThe State

By: Gary D. Barnett “The science of mine and thine—the science of justice—is the science of all human rights; of all a man’s rights of person and property; of all his rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…. Continue Reading…


By: Gary D. Barnett Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn learned the hard way the horrendous consequences of the ruling State’s tyranny. He refused to obey and comply, and did not bow to the State’s mandates. His words express great passion and determination in… Continue Reading…

'Law'AntisemitismCultureDiscussion of issuesGovernmentHate CrimeHate SpeechIsraelPalestinePhilosophyPoliticsZionism

By: Gary D. Barnett “You’re beginning to dislike me, aren’t you? Well, dislike me. It doesn’t make any difference to me now.” ~ W. Somerset Maugham, The Razor’s Edge It saddens me at times to have to explain the obvious, especially when… Continue Reading…

