Image by joanbrown51 from Pixabay By: Gary D. Barnett February 15th, 2010 This month’s “Blast From the Past” was written in 2010. The things going on then have only gotten worse. As time goes by, more and more risk of physical tyranny against… Continue Reading…
Martial Law • Police State • Politics • Surveillance
February 7, 2019
The world has become insane. This is not a rant from some unstable source, but reality. Freedom has been brutalized throughout history, but now is on the verge of disappearing. And the worst example of this phenomenon is the United… Continue Reading…
Banking and Finance • Economy • Federal Reserve • Martial Law • Police State • Politics
January 9, 2019
This is a subject I rarely discuss due to the sheer impossibility of predicting the timing of such events. In a logical world with transparent and free markets, one might have a chance of analyzing properly what financial events might… Continue Reading…
Martial Law • Military • Police State
March 27, 2015
I left this morning on my way to my office and encountered several military vehicles on the roadway. These were armored Humvees with active machine guns mounted in the turrets on top of the vehicles. Once I made my way… Continue Reading…
"Healthcare" • Conspiracy • Mainstream Media • Martial Law • Tyranny
October 14, 2014
“Those who do not move do not notice their chains.” ~ Rosa Luxemburg On April 4th, 2003, the Bush Administration put Executive Order 13295 into law. That order was supposedly signed in order to “protect” citizens due to Severe Acute Respiratory… Continue Reading…