Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

ConspiracyCover UpEconomyFalse FlagGovernmentHumanityMartial Law

By: Gary D. Barnett A USA Today headline this morning indicated that the Dow was diving as virus concerns counter hope for fiscal steps. U.S. stocks teetered on the edge of a bear market Wednesday as worries persisted over economies reeling from… Continue Reading…

"Healthcare"ConspiracyEconomyFalse FlagGovernmentMartial LawPolice StatePoliticsTyrannyVaccination

By: Gary D. Barnett The United States government has initiated martial law. All citizens are to conform to government mandates. U.S. security forces will enforce these mandates locally with all city, county, and state police forces, and in all other… Continue Reading…

GovernmentMartial LawSurveillanceTyranny

By: Gary D. Barnett Insanity in individuals is something rare – but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. ~Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil Ch. 4 It is deadly obvious that people all over the world now… Continue Reading…

ConspiracyEconomicsMartial LawPolice StateSurveillanceTechnocracy

By: Gary D. Barnett China has become a modern technocratic surveillance society, and is now leading the way in mass control over an entire population. The new coronavirus scare has exposed just how dangerous this is, but China is just… Continue Reading…

Blast From the PastGovernmentMartial LawPolice StateTyranny

Image by engin akyurt from Pixabay By: Gary D. Barnett I published this article on September 13, 2011, and things have only worsened substantially since that time. Even today, the Trump administration is undertaking policy that will identify criminal behavior before it happens,… Continue Reading…

