Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

Cover UpFalse FlagMainstream MediaMartial LawMilitaryNationalismPolice StateTerrorismTortureTyrannyUncategorizedWar on Terror

This morning brings more and more damning rhetoric, but it is highly unlikely that anything being said is true. All should be taken with a grain of salt, and every accusation by the police and mainstream media should be heavily… Continue Reading…

FascismGun controlMainstream MediaMartial LawMilitaryPolice StatePrivacyTortureTyrannyWar on Terror

Freedom in America has now died. In reality, it has been stolen by the state apparatus and all its agents of force, but this has been accomplished with little resistance from the masses of sheep. The only weapon needed to fully subdue the… Continue Reading…

Cover UpFalse FlagFascismMainstream MediaMartial LawMilitaryPolice StateTerrorismTyranny

There is supposedly one 19 year old suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing loose in the streets. There has been no evidence sited, no facts brought forward, and nothing but fuzzy pictures, but these two young men, one now dead,… Continue Reading…

Martial LawPolice StateTerrorism

By now, anyone watching the news is aware of the abominable bombing at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Who is responsible, and more importantly, who is behind it, is not known at this time. It is being reported… Continue Reading…

EconomyMartial LawPoliticsTyranny

Cyprus banks have reopened, but just as I suspected, (knew) there are very oppressive restrictions on how much money can be withdrawn by depositors. The maximum daily amount is only 300 euros, but even that amount could be restricted further… Continue Reading…

