Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

"Covid-19"Bio-weaponsBiological EngineeringCBDCsClimate ChangeCultureDepopulationEconomicsFalse FlagsGenocideGeoengineeringGlobal GovernanceGovernmentIndifferenceInflationIsraelMadnessMainstream MediaMilitaryPalestinePolice StatePoliticsTerrorismThe StateTransgenderismVaccinationWarWar of TerrorWeather GeoengineeringZionism

By: Gary D. Barnett “People do not expect to find chastity in a whorehouse. Why, then, do they expect to find honesty and humanity in government, a congeries of institutions whose modus operandi consists of lying, cheating, and if need… Continue Reading…

Banking and FinanceEconomyFederal ReserveGovernmentInflationWar

By: Gary D. Barnett “Sneaky and underhanded, the Federal Reserve has been sucking the life blood out of the United States since 1913. Like a black widow spider, it weaves a web of corruption and deceit. Unknown to its prey,… Continue Reading…

Banking and FinanceCBDCsChinaEconomyFederal ReserveGovernmentInflationRacismThe StateTrumpWar

By: Gary D. Barnett  “Politics is the diversion of trivial men who, when they succeed at it, become important in the eyes of more trivial men.”  ~ George Jean Nathan Sometimes there is a silver lining in what many assume… Continue Reading…

Banking and FinanceCentral Bank Digital CurrencyEconomicsEconomyFederal ReserveGovernmentInflationTechnocracyThe StateWar

By: Gary D. Barnett “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.” ~ Philip K. Dick, I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon Where does one begin when attempting to prepare an accounting of all the real terror,… Continue Reading…

"Covid-19"Bio-weaponsCollectivismConspiracyEconomyFalse FlagsFederal ReserveGovernmentInflationPropagandaTotalitarianismVaccination

By: Gary D. Barnett “Collectivism holds that the individual has no rights, that his life and work belong to the group (to “society,” to the tribe, the state, the nation) and that the group may sacrifice him at its own… Continue Reading…

