Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

EconomyFraudFreedomGovernmentMartial LawPoliticsPropagandaTyrannyVaccination

By: Gary D. Barnett Any country that seeks to control others is a country that seeks aggression. Any country that seeks aggression is a country that seeks war. Any country that seeks war is a country that seeks domination. Therefore,… Continue Reading…


By: Gary D. Barnett Any conversation about American liberty should begin and end with the false notion that the United States Constitution was written for the purpose of protecting that liberty. The opposite of course is true. This was a… Continue Reading…


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay  By: Gary D. Barnett Religion is still useful among the herd – that it helps their orderly conduct as nothing else could. The crude human animal is in-eradicably superstitious, and there is every biological reason why they… Continue Reading…


By: Gary D. Barnett “All government, in its essence, is a conspiracy against the superior man: its one permanent object is to oppress him and cripple him. If it be aristocratic in organization, then it seeks to protect the man… Continue Reading…


Image by kalhh from Pixabay By: Gary D. Barnett “A certain type of person strives to become a master over all, and to extend his force, his will to power, and to subdue all that resists it. But he encounters the power of… Continue Reading…

