Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

False FlagMainstream MediaTyrannyWar

That is the government story, and they’re sticking to it! And the mainstream media published exactly what they were told to publish. CNN “reports” that Iranian jets fired on a surveillance drone that was supposedly flying over international waters off… Continue Reading…

Cover UpFalse FlagMainstream MediaPoliticsWar

“Hurricane” Sandy came, and before and after this minor storm, all the mainstream news was inundated with this story. It of course still is today, and probably will garner the most coverage for at least the next few days before… Continue Reading…

False FlagImperialismWar

A U.S. official has stated that the U.S. was behind the forcing down of a Syrian passenger plane by Turkey last week. How could anyone be surprised by that revelation? That plane was supposedly carrying military material from Russia to… Continue Reading…

False FlagFederal ReserveMainstream Media

The FBI has once again “claimed” that it has stopped a terrorist bombing of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. The problem with this claim is that the FBI purposely manufactured this so-called bombing plot, supplied all the inert explosives,… Continue Reading…

False FlagMainstream MediaWar

Apparently, my opinions turned out to be true concerning the forced landing and confiscation of goods perpetrated by the Turkish military of a Syrian jetliner. Just after my post yesterday, an article written by Jason Ditz of revealed the truth… Continue Reading…

