Israel has put forth the ridiculous notion that Syria’s deal with Russia to buy a defensive missile system is somehow a threat to Israel and the entire region. How can that be? How can a system that is meant only… Continue Reading…
"Healthcare" • Conspiracy • False Flag • Mainstream Media • Martial Law • Military • Police State • Politics • Terrorism • War
May 14, 2013
The very misguided pattern of so-called “conservative” Republicans has once again been fully exposed for all to see. The catalyst serving to uncover this idiocy lies in what I call Benghazi mania. I will preface the rest of my statements… Continue Reading…
Conspiracy • Cover Up • False Flag • Mainstream Media • Politics • Terrorism
May 2, 2013
There still is no news about the condition of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, nor has he been heard from since his Miranda rights were supposedly read to him; that after his rights had been suspended. This entire Boston incident has all the markings… Continue Reading…
Cover Up • False Flag • Mainstream Media • Torture
April 26, 2013
The Associated Press (AP) reported yesterday that the alleged bomber at the Boston Marathon, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, had been questioned for 16 hours before he was read his Miranda rights. That story also says he confessed to the bombing during that… Continue Reading…
False Flag • Police State • Politics
April 24, 2013
The New York Police Department (NYPD) is partnering with U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory in order to “study how chemical weapons could be dispersed through the air into the subway system.” Also involved are researchers from Argonne National Laboratory and… Continue Reading…