I continue to write about the situation in Syria and the U.S. plans to attack that country, because it is vitally important not only to the Syrian people but to Americans and the rest of the world as well. The… Continue Reading…
False Flag • Imperialism • Military • Terrorism • War • War on Terror
September 9, 2013
Syria has offered to give up its chemical weapons. Assad has stated emphatically that he did not allow any use of chemical weapons. He has also stated that absolutely no evidence exists to link any chemical weapons attack to the… Continue Reading…
Conspiracy • False Flag • Mainstream Media • Military • Politics • War • War on Terror
September 6, 2013
Given the massive resistance to Obama’s lust for a war of total aggression against Syria, the news headlines are very telling, and should be fully scrutinized. Today in the Wall (War) Street Journal, the headline reads: “Iran Plots Revenge, U.S. Says.”… Continue Reading…
False Flag • Imperialism • Military • Terrorism • War • War on Terror
August 26, 2013
The stage is seemingly set for the United States to once again wage a war of brutal aggression against another country that has done nothing to warrant such an invasion. That country of course is Syria, and American warships armed… Continue Reading…
False Flag • Imperialism • Military • Terrorism • War • War on Terror
August 24, 2013
That was the Drudge headline this morning. Is the U.S. on the verge of maiming, murdering and slaughtering Syrian civilians in order to affect a much desired regime change so that the U.S. government can gain political control? This in… Continue Reading…