Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

ConspiracyCover UpDepartment of JusticeFalse FlagPoliticsTorture

This story began with Julian Assange and Wikileaks releasing information and video that was damning to the U.S. political class and its military, and rightfully so. This was April 10th, 2010. Within a few months, not a surprise to this… Continue Reading…

False FlagPoliticsWarWar on Terror

U.S. warmongers, especially the evil John Bolton, are attempting to start a war with Iran. This has been the goal of Bolton since the beginning, but this recent escalation could prove to be deadly. John Bolton is a liar and… Continue Reading…

ConspiracyFalse FlagMainstream MediaMartial LawPolice State

I must admit that my first thought about every catastrophe, with the exception of natural disasters, is that the government is either responsible entirely, or complicit in such a manner that these catastrophes could not have occurred without the hand… Continue Reading…

ConspiracyFalse FlagMainstream MediaTerrorismWarWar on Terror

I have been listening to government propaganda and paying attention to the manner in which it is delivered to the sheep for a long, long time. At this advanced stage of the game, most everything presented, whether from politicians and… Continue Reading…

False FlagFascismMainstream MediaMartial LawTerrorismWarWar on Terror

Some things are so predictable as to go beyond the obvious. This does not however, have any profound effect on the general American public, as the ignorant, apathetic, and downright brainwashed masses continue to huddle in a pool of conditioned… Continue Reading…

