Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

"Covid-19"AnarchyBio-weaponsCollectivismEconomyFalse FlagsGenocideGlobal GovernanceGovernmentIsraelMadnessNew World OrderPalestineThe ConstitutionThe StateVaccinationWar

By: Gary D. Barnett “Government is for slaves; free men govern themselves.” ~ Albert Parsons, Autobiography Recently I wrote about a “World Gone Mad,” and I now understand that my title was a gross understatement. Madness indicates psychotic behavior, but what is… Continue Reading…

"Covid-19"Banking and FinanceClimate ChangeConspiracyCultureEconomyFraudFreedomGlobal GovernanceGovernmentImmigrationNew World OrderRacismTransgenderismVaccination

By: Gary D. Barnett “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years……It would have been… Continue Reading…

"Covid-19"Bio-weaponsCentral Bank Digital CurrencyClimate ChangeConspiracyCover UpCultureDepopulationEconomyFalse FlagsGeoengineeringGovernmentMainstream MediaMilitarySurveillanceThe StateWar of TerrorWeather Geoengineering

By: Gary D. Barnett “Whoever lays his hand on me to govern me is a usurper and tyrant, and I declare him my enemy.” ~ Pierre-Joseph Proudhon We are in the midst of a heinous crime in what is falsely… Continue Reading…

"Covid-19"Bio-weaponsClimate ChangeCollectivismCultureDemocideDepopulationEconomyGovernmentHumanityIndifferenceNationalismThe StateTyrannyVaccinationWar

By: Gary D. Barnett “Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made… Continue Reading…

Banking and FinanceEconomyFederal ReserveGovernmentInflationWar

By: Gary D. Barnett “Sneaky and underhanded, the Federal Reserve has been sucking the life blood out of the United States since 1913. Like a black widow spider, it weaves a web of corruption and deceit. Unknown to its prey,… Continue Reading…

