Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

"Healthcare"ConspiracyCourtsDepartment of JusticeMainstream Media

“Today we investigate one of the biggest medical controversies of our time: vaccines. There’s little dispute about this much– vaccines save many lives, and rarely, they injure or kill. A special federal vaccine court has paid out billions for injuries… Continue Reading…

ConspiracyCourtsDepartment of JusticePolice StateTorture

The plight of Julian Assange continues to worsen. Some believe that he will have his day in court, but the odds of fair and impartial treatment for Assange are in my opinion zero. In a story on Drudge this morning,… Continue Reading…

CensorshipConspiracyCourtsCover UpDepartment of Justice

Those who speak truth to power in this day and age should fully realize the wrath they will face. It is a very dangerous game, and not for the timid. All those who seek and expose the truth, especially concerning… Continue Reading…

ConspiracyCourtsMartial LawPolice BrutalityPolice StateTyranny

Every single day it is virtually impossible for me to keep up with news stories of police either stealing, brutalizing, beating or murdering common citizens in every corner of this country. I am not surprised by this given that the police as… Continue Reading…

CourtsCover UpPolice BrutalityPolice StateTyranny

On February 14th, just four days ago, police scum in Moore, Oklahoma beat to death an unarmed father outside a movie theatre. His name was Luis Rodriguez. In addition, they stole the recorded evidence, a complete video of the crime, from… Continue Reading…

