Eric Holder, Attorney General of the United States, said recently that the United States (the president) has the right to order the killing of any American citizen overseas. The criteria used to determine this so-called right is if they are… Continue Reading…
Constitution • Police State • Politics • Tyranny
February 29, 2012
Another nail in the coffin of any right to protest the political class, and another nail in the coffin of the First Amendment, has been driven by your, not my, representatives (so-called) in Congress. House Bill, H.R. 347, was passed virtually… Continue Reading…
Constitution • Fascism • Police State
December 17, 2011
Check out my new article published at Lew Rockwell today. ( It is concerning the horrendous passage of the military detention act, and can be seen here.
Constitution • Police State • Politics
December 4, 2011
After posting a short blog on Friday about the senate passage of S. 1867, some confusion was evident among a few of my readers. This was due to the Rand Paul vote on one amendment inside S. 1867. That amendment, Amendment 1274,… Continue Reading…