The time is near for the national headcounters “SWAT” teams to once again begin their decennial assault on privacy. Some of those neighbors you thought to be decent people will now be hounding you incessantly to extract personal and private… Continue Reading…
August 12, 2009
Just when I thought the census invasions were over, at least until the actual count next spring, the census Gestapo, or “Complete Count Committees” (CCC) are forming all around this nation-state. Once again, the long arm of government is using… Continue Reading…
June 8, 2009
After reading my title, I suppose many will automatically think I am some sort of anarchist or revolutionary. If so, then thank you for the complement. If only I could be thought of in such an honorable way? The very… Continue Reading…
April 11, 2009
I’m not going to lecture anyone here or attempt to describe, define, outline, analyze or rewrite the constitution. I am not going to go through the historical reasoning set forth for census taking and I will not even speak of… Continue Reading…
September 15, 2008
I just received an official letter from the U.S. Department of Commerce threatening me with prosecution and fines if I do not comply with its Economic Census. The letter came from the Office of the General Counsel/Office of the Chief… Continue Reading…