Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

Blast From the PastMilitaryTerrorismWarWar on Terror

By: Gary D. Barnett “This article was published February 13th, 2010, and is this month’s “Blast From the Past” article.” Since, as Randolph Bourne so honestly stated, “War is the health of the state,” let us for a moment identify… Continue Reading…

Blast From the PastPrivacySurveillance

By: Gary D. Barnett I published this article on September 5th, 2008, and am reposting for this month’s “Blast From the Past.” As a provider of financial services, once again I am required to attest (i.e., declare to be correct… Continue Reading…

Blast From the PastFascismSurveillance

By: Gary D. Barnett February 23, 2008 I published this article 11 years ago, and am posting it for my monthly “Blast From the Past.” It is a subject that needs revisited, and I plan to write an update article… Continue Reading…

Blast From the PastThe Patriot Act

By: Gary D. Barnett Today I received my fourth-quarter 2007 Anti-Money Laundering Training Program notice. After my “mandatory” compliance, I must agree with everything stated in the “training” through the Compliance Attestation System. Although the manner and frequency of this… Continue Reading…

Blast From the PastFalse FlagsMilitaryNationalismTerrorismWarWar on Terror

Since, as Randolph Bourne so honestly stated, “War is the health of the state,” let us for a moment identify the war players and properly define their roles. This is not often done, at least not truthfully, due to the… Continue Reading…

