Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression


WATCH THIS! This video is of extremely vital importance, and needs to be seen by everyone. It was originally released by Vaccine Liberation Army, but I am posting the link below from the Before Its News Site because I believe… Continue Reading…

Bio-weaponsCoronavirusGovernmentLive PodcastPolice StateVaccinationVideo

By: Gary D. Barnett Last night, February 4th, I was on the Patrick Ryan show. We had a lively talk about all that is going on, and even had a little fun. Dino wanted to stay calm, but it is… Continue Reading…

Bio-weaponsConspiracyGovernmentMartial Law

By: Gary D. Barnett Sometimes, especially these days when the average American is completely asleep and indifferent to the totalitarian takeover of this country, reality is so obvious as to border on the insane. I am not discussing the idiotic… Continue Reading…

Bio-weaponsCoronavirusDemocideGovernmentPolice StateVaccination

By: Gary D. Barnett After writing about the premeditated murder of those accepting and taking this bioweapon called a Covid ‘vaccine’ two days ago, things continue to deteriorate as the state’s tyrannical agendas move forward at an accelerated pace. People… Continue Reading…


By: Gary D. Barnett People across this country and around the world are having horrible adverse effects or dying after taking this injection called an mRNA “vaccine.” It is not a vaccine at all, it is a bioweapon meant to… Continue Reading…

