Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

ArticlesMartial Law

Lew Rockwell recently outlined what he calls the five republics of the United States. As he correctly points out in my opinion, the fifth republic began on September 11, 2001. While I agree, I think that this will also be… Continue Reading…


“I am an anarchist. I suppose you came here, the most of you, to see what a real, live anarchist looked like. I suppose some of you expected to see me with a bomb in one hand and a flaming… Continue Reading…


“It is morally tragic whenever a citizen’s only choice is between two wrongdoers—that is, between two trimmers. ~Leonard E. Read … The Lesser of Two Evils I am constantly amazed by my fellow citizen’s reverence for voting. This blind worship… Continue Reading…

ArticlesThe Constitution

Last year I wrote an article titled “I’m Fed Up With Constitution Worship!” Since that time it seems, I hear more and more every day about “getting back to the constitution,” mainly from “conservatives” and those of the Tea Party… Continue Reading…

ArticlesFalse Flags

There has never been such an opportunity for the U.S. government to stage a false flag event in order to start yet another war as there is today. The set up is obvious to libertarians and some sane others, but… Continue Reading…

