After looking at everything that has happened so far, and looking at video and other still pictures taken, looking at the mis-information, outright lies, constant changes in the story, and considering the two implicated Russians (oops, Americans) and all the lies surrounding their “capture and past, I am convinced that this entire episode was staged, and is a false flag event and ensuing cover up!
The FBI has been harassing these young men since they were boys, but they had no clue whatsoever who they were and that they were a threat? Nothing makes sense here.
Nothing is logical, and all reporting is changing constantly to suit the agenda. In addition, where are all those amputees? Why, like everyone else, are they not plastered on every single news channel, with their names in lights? Why are they not subject to the media’s blitz to ask who they are and how they feel? Why hasn’t president Obama invited to fly them in on Air Force One for a vist to the White House when they recover? The main talk about those who supposedly lost limbs is that the state is crowing about the new technology and grand new knowledge in the socialist medical system about prosthetics, that only due to so many Americans used as cannon fodder losing limbs.
I would hope that I am wrong, but past false flag events and past cover ups have conditioned me to be very suspicious. In the case of U.S. politicians and their owned and controlled media, nothing is ever what it seems. In fact, what is reported is nothing more than government fed propaganda written as fact.