Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

FascismMilitaryPolice BrutalityPolice StatePrivacyTyranny

Being an Independent Individual Brings Government Brutality

The very last thing that government wants to tolerate is any freedom minded individual who is independent and self sufficient. The government considers those rugged individualists as a dire threat to its power.

Since freedom and liberty depend fully on an attitude of individuality and self dependence, it should be obvious that the U.S. government desires to achieve just the opposite effect, which is collectivist slavery.

Well outside of the Los Angeles city limits, a group of individuals has been living for many years on their own and without the controlling arm of the state hanging over them. They live in a very remote area of the desert, grow much of their own food, produce their own energy for their needs and do this without government assistance. For these many years they have been self sufficient, independent and have caused no problems for anyone. That meager life of private independence is now coming to an end due to the state’s fear of individual minds.

Government in general continuously attempts to destroy any individuality and individual thought, and the Los Angeles county agents of force, commissioners and the like, are no different. They are using restrictive laws including zoning laws, local ordinances, building codes, permit laws and more to go after these peace loving and fiercely independent county residents. This situation has now gotten completely out of control.

After harassing these county residents continuously, visiting and searching their private property without cause or warrant and threatening them,  the county commissioners have resorted to extortion, theft and brute force in their attempt to drive these innocent people from their homes.

They have now resorted to the use of a militarized SWAT force to forcibly remove these residents, this causing financial ruin to people who have harmed no one. The county is doing this by the use of what it refers to as “Nuisance Abatement Teams,” which are nothing more than heavily armed state agents of force who have been hired as thugs to affect state mandates.

They are raiding the homes of regular, or in this case exceptional Americans, and using heavy handed force, automatic weapons, body armor and tank-like military vehicles to intimidate these citizens and steal or destroy their property. This is an abomination, and should be met with total contempt. These residents have every right in my opinion to defend themselves and their property because they are under physical attack, and the corrupt state it seems understands or cares about nothing else but total control.

I believe only using peaceful means to affect and protect freedom unless one’s life or property is threatened. At that point, self defense is necessary, and self defense is the only circumstance where any force is legitimate. In this case, what other alternative exists when the very officials charged with protecting these individual’s rights are the criminals committing the heinous acts against them?

This is tyranny at its highest level. It is the work of a totalitarian government without conscience. It is a physical threat and aggression by the state against innocent citizens and their property. If these attempts by the government of brutal and physical aggression are not stopped soon, what will be the result? The answer to that question is but one word — slavery!

