Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression


Army Suicides Surpass Combat Deaths In Afghanistan


Army suicides through October 22, 2012, have surpassed all deaths in combat in Afghanistan for this year. This is no surprise, as suicide among active military members has been increasing at alarming levels for some time. I have written about this recently on this blog.

This is not a phenomenon, and it should have been fully predictable. When those sent to die for the government and its corporate sponsors, to die for nothing in other words, are faced with multiple deployments in a brutal war of aggression against innocents, their conscience in many cases is awakened to the horror of the situation.

In addition, they are faced with long periods away from their families and loved ones, and that leads directly to misery, depression, and family breakups. It can also lead to a loss of contact with children, that a harsh reality of government wars.

Is it any wonder that many end up “addicted” to drugs and alcohol, and become despondent; and not able to cope with where they are and what they are doing? The horrors of war even if warranted, would be difficult for any to bear, but given the murderous, immoral, and aggressive nature of U.S. foreign policy, the unholy slaughter of innocents, most all involved will suffer.

