This story was on yesterday, and tells of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources raids on pig farmers. Two confirmed armed raids have been conducted on pig farms due to a ridiculous new law called the “Invasive Species Order.” (ISO) This order actually classifies common livestock, in this case pigs, as invasive species.
The intent of the Michigan DNR is to raid farms and shoot these domestic animals. One farmer killed all his stock before the DNR arrived due to his fear of felony prosecution. This kind of behavior is exactly what the state gendarmes want, but it shows the absolute weakness and pathetic nature of Americans today. They stand in mortal fear of the government, when in fact the opposite should be the case!
The ruse here is obvious to any who pay attention to what has been happening to small and private farmers, including the Amish, as of late. The large Agriculture and feed lobby have obviously co-opted the state officials in an effort to squash their competition. The Michigan DNR is acting strictly in the interest of big Agriculture, and using state given power to force its agenda. This is an atrocious display of intimidation, and the only way for the DNR to succeed in this attack on innocent businesses is for those being targeted to hide, comply, or run. No one should allow this to continue, and none should back down!
Until Americans stand their ground, and force these government scum to retreat, this situation will expand. It will expand to all parts of the country, and will get more and more violent should it be allowed to continue.
When in the world will the people of this country wake up and realize that this is now a fascist police state? When will the people fight back? When will enough be enough?