Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

Subscriber Update


By: Gary D. Barnett

Good morning all,

As you must have noticed, these past few months have been slower for my writing, and these past four weeks have been nearly void of articles from me, but since I did not think this would ever be the case, and was not concerned early on, I think it time to explain my absence, at least superficially. Superficially, because I rarely if ever discuss openly anything specific about myself or family that is of a personal nature. That is something I adhere to almost ‘religiously,’ as exposing everything to everyone, an obvious flaw in most Americans today, is improper and uncalled for, as well as disrespectful to all concerned. Private is private, so enough said.

First, there are several factors involved, so I will attempt to explain my temporary absence. During and just after the Thanksgiving holiday, I experienced extreme pain, and loss of sleep. As it turned out, it was nothing out of the ordinary considering my circumstances, nothing deadly, and nothing that I thought I could not handle, but even though rare, it has persisted and caused me to have a lack of sleep and energy, and because of these and other circumstances, I have not felt like sitting for hours every day researching and writing, as is normal for me, as it was extremely uncomfortable. In the midst of this very annoying and irritating time recently, we have faced incredible amounts of snow, wind, and cold here, causing harm to property, much additional work, a heating system failure; among other problems, and now I am having to show up for idiotic jury duty, which stifles my work for the entirety of my time there. I do not mean to whine, and do not understand that attitude, but just attempting to clarify the reasons I have been somewhat lacking in published material. Things did not improve until recently, as this has taken much more time than I anticipated.

I am aggressively taking care of this, but it still persists at a lower level. I have been nearly perfectly healthy, very active, in shape, and excited and happy for most all my life, so this has definitely taken me by surprise, and caused me great angst. As an aside, I currently have four articles pending, and am trying to make sure I begin publishing regularly in the next few days. Please be patient, as this world in my opinion, will come apart at the seams in the not too distant future, and I am more certain of this than I have been in the past. I feel it of great importance to write and relay truth, so I will call out every evil I can find going forward, so that any who choose to listen, will have a better understanding of the idiocy we face.

Thanks so much to all my wonderful subscribers for your generous support, as it is extremely appreciated. I do apologize for not addressing this sooner, but I in no way thought it would have continued as long as it did.

Thank you and all my very best to all, and while not likely, wish for an early spring!


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