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America Is The Most Dangerous Country on Earth and Is the Head of This Snake

By: Gary D. Barnett

Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744 to 1812) put together a plan ‘with the objective of world domination and the imposition of the Luciferian ideology “upon what would remain of the human race” after a final orchestrated social-cataclysm. In 1773, Mayer summoned twelve wealthy men to Frankfort and asked them to pool their resources, then presented the 25-point plan that would enable them to gain control of the wealth, natural resources and manpower of the entire world.’

Obviously, his plan did not succeed in his lifetime, but it is very eerie to look at much of his plot that was designed 248 years ago, and compare the goals anticipated to today’s situation. It is as if this plan has been in the making ever since, and is just now coming to fruition. While this seems almost fantastical, one reading of these 25 points sought should be enough for even the most common man to understand. It is important to realize that nothing done by the most powerful and their pawns in government is accidental or organic; it is always by design. The agendas accomplished are never coincidental; they are always purposely devised.

Today, this agenda is not hidden, and in fact has been announced, played out in simulations, or is being telegraphed in advance to all. What the largest banking family considered in the 18th century is now a much larger group of players, all with the agenda of total control. Once upon a time, anyone that mentioned a “New World Order” was condemned as a ‘conspiracy theorist,’ but now the so-called elite class and many of the politicians discuss openly globalism, a new world order, and the “Great Reset.’ They do so in a manner that is meant to look like this is in the best interest of mankind, which means they are portraying themselves as “saviors” of humanity, just as Rothschild had plotted.

This may have been the brainchild of Rothschild, but there are many more involved in this day and age. The terms have changed, and the mythological Luciferian aspects are not the mainstay of today’s plot as I see it. While there is no way of knowing exactly all that are at the top of the controlling pyramid, it seems obvious that the Rothschild’s, Rockefeller’s, Schwab’s and Gates’ of the world, and many others, along with the central banking heads, the large corporations, the bogus tax-free foundations, and the pawns at the top of the political class are all involved, but still the top ruling ‘elites’ are comparatively speaking, few in number.

But there is but one country that is the head of this snake today, and that is the United States. How goes America goes the rest of the world, as the saying indicates. That is why it is so important for the people of this country to wake up and understand the scope of this heinous plot to control the world. Looking around at places like the U.K, Australia, much of Europe, and Canada, one should be able to see the writing on the wall. The western world is imploding, and if the U.S. does not resist this onslaught of tyranny, the rest of the world will most likely fall in line.

With that said, the U.S. is the most deadly and dangerous country on earth in this writer’s opinion. America is the most terroristic country, has the most fire power, the largest military by many times over, and is becoming more a police state every day. America no longer stands for freedom, but for world interference, control of others, war, torture, mass murder, and now is plotting the democide of its own citizens through restriction, starvation by food and farming destruction, heinous ‘climate change’ policy, isolation, and ‘vaccine’ murder. This country was once considered the land of the free and the home of the brave, and now it is the land of slavery, and the home of hate, indifference, and cowardice. Why are over 300 million Americans allowing this to happen?

The plot to establish a global governing system, a plot long planned and long desired, is now upon us. After many decades of dumbing down the general population, of indoctrinating the ‘public’ into a mindset of jingoistic nationalism, of dividing Americans at every possible level through social engineering, and pitting one against another, the state is now prepared to finish the job of controlling all and eliminating dissenters.

The fake ‘virus pandemic’ used fear as a tool to first judge the weakness of the people, and once compliance was easily established, the weapon falsely being called a ‘vaccine’ can be released in order to alter the minds and bodies of the sheep. This injection is the primary weapon of choice at this time, but other targeted bio-weapons will certainly be used should any major resistance become evident. The technology available is completely unknown to most, and is much more advanced than can seem fathomable. Be prepared for the unthinkable, and for ongoing attempts to make this a controlled society through technocracy.

If enough Americans can awaken from their cowardice, dependence, and hate long enough to turn the tide against this evil state apparatus, then maybe we will have a chance to regain liberty. By doing so, much of the rest of the world will follow in our footsteps, and achieving some sanity will be possible. If America fails, so goes the world, and all of us left will be in a living hell.

“The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world.” ~ Aaron Russo—Unsourced

Source links:

25 point plan to dominate the world

The Great Reset

Who is Bill Gates

The 2025 Deagel Report interview with Doug Casey

Bioweapon disguised as a ‘vaccine’

Farmer Bill and the Great Reset


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