Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression


A Short Break From the ‘Covid’ Hoax

By: Gary D. Barnett

In this time of extreme stress and tyranny, it is good to step away often to reflect on more minor matters or philosophical ideology.

Out of the blue yesterday, I received an email from Professor Walter Block concerning a conversation we had last October. I do not know why he sent this yesterday, but Walter published our discussion on Lew Rockwell’s blog. We have butted heads on many occasions, and we rarely agree, regardless of his comment to the contrary in the body of this email.

We are always respectful, and get along just fine, but his “big tent” attitude concerning what he calls “libertarianism,” and his extreme examples, do not reflect the way I think about these issues.

At any rate, I have posted our back and forth for you to consider, and as a way to avoid ‘Covid’ for a moment, concerning what he calls “voluntary slavery.” We completely disagree on this subject, and its relevance.


—–Original Message—–

From: Gary Barnett

Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2020 7:44 AM

To: Walter Block <

Subject: “Voluntary’ slavery

Walter, I hope this finds you well.

I have only one comment, and that is that there is no such thing as ‘voluntary’ slavery. That is simply a complete contradiction, and as you know, I do not accept any theory based on such obvious contradiction.

Slavery is a state of one being held and owned against his will, and voluntary contract is based on mutual consent. Never shall the two be one and the same. For if any situation exists where one claims to agree to be a slave, he was never a slave in the first place, and if held by force after any conflicting contractual agreement between the parties was reached, that contract would necessarily be null and void.

I am taking the time to write to you because I take this argument to be counterproductive, and in fact, a dangerous game based on inconsistent logic. Any that enter into a voluntary contract cannot be said to then lose all voluntary rights. If that were the case, the contract was flawed at the outset.

If you argue that the contract was not fulfilled by the alleged slave, and the alleged slave owner could then sue for damages or continued ownership, that would nullify the ‘voluntary’ slave agreement altogether, as the situation would revert to a conclusion that was identical to any other contract, and not one based on true slavery. True slavery could never sanction any redress by the slave.

I find this conversation troubling and without merit, for if this type of behavior is considered libertarian, then that is why I am no libertarian, and never will be. I will remain an anarchist, and always retain a clear vision of the truth instead of accepting any and all inconsistencies and open-ended contradictions.

I know you are busy, as am I, so no reply is necessary.

Sincerely … Gary

Walter’s answer:

My son, God forbid, has a horrid disease. $10 million will cure him. I’m
poor. I don’t have anything like that amount of money. Mr. Burns of the
Simpsons is very rich. He’d like me to be his slave. He may whip me, even
kill me, and he won’t be a criminal. He can make me pick cotton, give him
econ lessons. So, he gives me the money which I turn over to my son’s
doctors. Then I got to his plantation to be a slave of his. We both gain, as
is per usual for all voluntary acts, at least ex ante. I value my son’s life
more than my freedom. Mr. Burns values my servitude more than the money. Why can’t I call this arrangement voluntary slavery? It’s voluntary. We both agreed to it. It is slavery in every element of that concept. If I try to
escape, the cops will bring me back to his plantation.

Gary answer:

Sorry Walter, I don’t buy it!

Very sincerely … Gary


Dear Gary:

Ok. No problem. Libertarians disagree on several issues: this one, voluntary
slavery, but also abortion, immigration, the LP, strategy, Israel.

We can agree to disagree on these issues, and also work together in support
of each other on the other 99% of issue in political economy on which we
enthusiastically agree with each other.

Best regards,


The actual email thread in its entirety from the LRC blog can be found on the link below, if any are interested in reading Walter’s argument and references in full.


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