Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

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A Matter of Honesty and Priority

“People often tell themselves lies, in order to reach what they consider acceptance in difficult situations. In reality, they fool themselves into believing they are healed,(If they ever were) until that lie is corrected by time, further information or their own personal growth. True healing comes when we learn to not avoid truth, but face it. Only then will we be set free.”

~ Shannon L. Alder

It has come to my attention that I am a brutal writer, cynical, destructive, hard-core, insensitive, and at times, caustic. You might expect me to be defensive, hurt, offended, or angry about this, but I am certainly not. In fact, I can fully understand these sentiments, and in many cases take them as complimentary. Considering that my writing is read by not only those who agree with my take on things much of the time, but by a few regular normies who have taken that giant step into reality for a moment, and found that they were not ready or mentally capable of accepting the raw truth, for to do so would require a change toward responsibility in their attitude and behavior; something they are not ready to accept.

Of course, I am not speaking to the choir in this circumstance, except that it is interesting to see the differences in those who seek truth and brutal honesty at any cost, and those who fear it so intensely, that any acceptance of it would necessarily drive them to extreme anxiety and panic. You see, fear and/or indifference, are the predominant attitudes evident, when one is not willing to accept truth due to what that acceptance requires of them, which is not something they are willing to embrace. It is so much easier to hide in the crowd, and hope that someone else will take the risk necessary to stave off the iminent death or destruction that lies ahead. Facing it head-on could be dangerous you see, and worse for most, could bring about disfavor or rebuke from the collective hordes of their so-called contemporaries. Fear of scrutiny or criticism from the herd is a trait based on extreme weakness and a penchant toward victimhood.

My articles and essays are never meant to be middle of the road, two-sided, or written in such a manner as to soften the blow in order to appease others. I care not about pleasing anyone or everyone, but rather am only comfortable telling it like it is, regardless of so-called “feelings.” I write more for myself than anyone else, so I am not cluttered with defensive postures or any weak or emotional hand-wringing. Writing truth to power in order to please anyone is ridiculous, and writing to please everyone is sheer stupidity.


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I do realize that at times my approach is an “in your face” style, harsh, and straight to the point. I also understand that I call it like I see it, even if this comes across as offensive toward others, but those ‘others’ in these cases are usually deserving of my rath. I never claimed to be a diplomat, I only strive to get the point across in the most straight-forward and candid way possible.

My work has been censored on many different levels, and for years, it has been refused periodically by so-called freedom publishers (fake anti-state pretenders) because it might seem offensive to certain people or groups, regardless of the honesty and validity of my claims. While this is somewhat frustrating, it is to be expected, because most who report on history, economics, culture, philosophy, and current events, whether mainstream or alternative sources, are almost always looking for crowd-pleasing material, and do not want contentious, confrontational, or in-your-face brutal fact. Those who talk of real and honest freedom, who never hold back on legitimate scrutiny or fact, and tell it like it is, regardless of consequences, are few and far between. I decided long ago not to compromise, so I will accept that many, if not most, will take offence at much of what I write. I have no problem with that. It is not my business what others decide to do with their own writings or sites, so long as they are willing to accept proper criticism for any contradictory and hypocritical material they produce; and the mis-reporting and controlled opposition positions taken today, are rampant and extreme. Political writers and ‘news’ reporters talking out of both sides of their mouths today is not only common, but constant. I choose not to bend to that dishonest approach.

Those who are willing to see and accept honest truth, and do what they can to expose it, are very special to me. This certainly would include all those who support and spread my work. There are more than one might expect, who actually seek the truth, but many of those are still too afraid to openly promote it. Those are the people I want to attract, because they are on the edge of reason, even if they have not yet committed fully to that way of life.

By contrast, those who would never accept the truth, who are most of the masses, and for whatever false reasoning they care to claim, will not be reached, because they do not have the courage or intellect necessary to do the study and research required in order to find the truth. Actually, they aggressively avoid it. I do not write to attract this group, and never will, for I am not attempting to convince anyone to believe me, but only to find out for themselves the real and honest truth, and then act on that vitally important knowledge. If I have a hand in persuading some to look for themselves, then I have accomplished what I set out to do.

So understand that I am not interested in saving this heinous and evil system, I am not interested in reforming something so fatally flawed as government, I am not interested in the most stupid and asinine system of ‘voting’ for a master, I am not interested in promoting any politician on earth, I am not interested in supporting the torturous and murderous carnage and wars of this or any other State, I am not interested in flag, country, or nation, and I will not compromise my positions to please anyone. If my blunt and brutal approach to truth offends you, then do not read it, but never expect me to change in order to please.

I am writing this so there is no question as to my intent. This is not my vocation; it is done only out of my extreme passion for freedom, and if this offends you, then so be it, because to be offended by the truth is only a recipe for a lifetime of enslavement. That is something I will never voluntarily accept!

“When truth is replaced by silence, the silence is a lie.”

~ Yevgeny Yevtushenko



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